🌟 Your Northstar Metric: VO2 Max

🌟 Your Northstar Metric: VO2 Max

​May 9th, 5:00PM - Location: Flowstate Labs, Revaler Str 31, 10245 Berlin

Welcome to our second Berlin Longevity Week Special Event at flowstate by BRAINEFFECT!
Whether you’re a health enthusiast, a fitness aficionado, or simply curious about optimizing your longevity, this event is tailored for you 💪. Join us for an exclusive event where we’ll dive deep with Dr. Olena Husak into the power of VO2 Max and its impact on longevity. 🚀

Registration required: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/berlin-longevity-meetup-group/events/300690891/

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